Online Form:
To request a date, please fill out my booking form below.
Direct Email:
For email inquiries, use a ProtonMail address for security. You can sign-up for an account if you don't already have one. It’s highly important that our communications are end-to-end encrypted. Be sure to include all screening information listed below if this will be our first rendezvous.
Full Name
Contact Number
Resident City/State
Physical Description (hair/eyes/weight)
P411 or TER Handles
Two recent references from VERIFIABLE providers
If you don't have references, submit employment info (verification takes 8-10 days)
Additional Notes:
Once verification is complete, we can move on to confirming a date but feel free to include the potential date/duration you have in mind.
Kindly provide as much notice possible as I travel a lot and always plan in advance.
Please note I do not see everyone who contacts me. The more info you submit the better.
Looking forward to hearing from you!